There comes a time in every man’s life when he wants to tackle the white suit—mine was this Easter. You see I traditionally, well at least every two years or so add to the suits in my closet specifically for Easter. This year, I decided upon a White Linen Calvin Klein Suit Separate (more on the suit later).
I know that this blog specifically pertains to fashion for academia, and let me just point out that under no circumstances for any reason is it appropriate to wear a white suit to any conference, lecture, or academic function. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t wear one and we will spend some time over the next week discussing how to wear a white suit for now, let us just stick to the “story behind the story.”

I think that for people to gain a better sense of who they are they should try new things and take risks.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. To laugh is to risk being a fool. To weep is to appear sentimental. To reach out to others is to risk getting involved. To love is to risk not being loved in return. The person ...who risks nothing may avoid suffering and sorrow but he simply cannot know, feel, change, grow, live, or love.
- Leo Buscaglia.
Now, taking risks with what you wear takes a small amount of courage. After all, you face the whispers, snarky comments, and sometimes good-natured ribbing from your friends. I think though that failure to take risks, no matter what the outcome or how painful it may or may not be, one really misses out a chance on growth.

So take risks in what you wear! Take risks in how you express yourself!
I am officially daring you to wear the white suit to the next seminar you attend. These are nice portraits, btw!
ReplyDeleteI'm Ashley and the author of the blog A Hasty Life. I just started the well-known challenge 30 for 30. I chose 30 articles of clothing to wear for 30 days. I would love for you to bop on over to my blog and follow me as I attempt this challenge!
<3 Ashley